PENTECOST: The Holy Spirit’s Gift of Energy
Pentecost Sunday is sometimes called ‘the
birthday of the Church’. Pentecost is a Greek word meaning ’50′, so we
celebrate Pentecost 50 days after the resurrection of Jesus. Forty days he
taught and encouraged his followers, then after his Ascension they waited
another ten days for his gift of the Holy Spirit.
In ancient Israel, Pentecost was the
celebration of the wheat harvest, 50 days after the slaying of the Passover
lamb. Since biblical times, the Jewish celebration (‘Shavuot’) also
commemorates the day the Ten Commandments were revealed to Moses on Mount
The Holy Spirit is God in action. Sometimes the Holy Spirit is called ‘the third person of the Trinity’ as if he is a lesser Being than Father and Son. He has certainly been ‘the neglected member of the Godhead’. (In the Apostles’ Creed there are at least 10 statements about Jesus Christ and only one about the Holy Spirit).
The Holy Spirit is God in action. Sometimes the Holy Spirit is called ‘the third person of the Trinity’ as if he is a lesser Being than Father and Son. He has certainly been ‘the neglected member of the Godhead’. (In the Apostles’ Creed there are at least 10 statements about Jesus Christ and only one about the Holy Spirit).
At the beginning of time, God’s Spirit (Hebrew
‘ruach’) created this universe out of nothing, bringing order out of chaos. ‘By
the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and all their host by the breath of
his mouth’ (Psalm 33:6). I remember a graphic Time Magazine article [1] (May
13, 2002) with a double page spread headed ‘A Star Is Born’: ‘The astonishing
images beaming down from the new high-resolution camera on the Hubble Space
telescope arrived last week, and they are out of this world. This photo of a
stellar nursery is a close-up of the Cone Nebula, a cloud of gas and dust some
2,500 light-years from Earth. From top to bottom, the celestial pillar spans
2.5 light years – 3,000 times the size of our solar system. Stars are being
born within the cloud as dense knots of gas collapse and flare with nuclear
fusion. Five billion years ago, when our sun was still a newborn, it was
probably shrouded in a cloud like this one.’ That’s the creative Spirit of God
at work.
Throughout the Hebrew Scriptures – our ‘Old
Testament’ – there is the deep conviction that no one can do the work of God
without the Spirit of God; no one can lead others for God who is not led by
God’s Spirit. The Spirit gives Joseph skill to rule (Genesis 41:38); he gives
Joshua military prowess (Numbers 27:18); he gives skill to a couple of
craftsmen (Exodus 31:2-6), and he gives words to the prophets.
The Holy Spirit empowers Jesus, from his
conception, and throughout his ministry, to teach and to heal. And before Jesus
left his followers he gave them a mandate to motivate them for the task ahead,
and promised to send the Holy Spirit in his place (Luke 24:49).
Notice we used ‘he’ (Christian feminists often like
the pronoun ‘she’). The Holy Spirit is not an ‘it’ or a thing (although the
Bible describes his operations as being like the wind, unpredictable or even
mysterious). The English language used to say ‘Holy Ghost’, but the Spirit is
not a ‘spook’ either. He is like Jesus, who is like God: thinking, willing and
feeling –possessing all the attributes of any personality: intellect, emotion
and will. The Holy Spirit can be grieved and quenched or stifled and ignored.
The Holy Spirit ‘inspires’ people to say what God wants them to say (or to
write those things down). So prophets and Scripture are ‘inspired’ by the
Spirit. The Spirit guides us into the truth about Jesus, about ourselves and
our sinfulness – and its consequence, judgment – and gives us the ‘big picture’
and God’s will for the future (John 16:8-13).
When you become a Christian, the Holy Spirit
enters your life, and he will never leave you. In a sense, he’s a guest: you’ve
let him in the front door. It’s now an exciting (and sometimes scary) process
letting him take control of every room in your home. (Perhaps you could imagine
these rooms, invite him in, and talk about what he discovers there!). He helps
us to pray (Romans 8:26), to communicate to others about Christ (Mark 13:11),
to love (Galatians 5:22), and to do what is right (1 John 2:27).
So be ‘filled with the Spirit’ (Ephesians
5:18). You get drunk with wine by choosing the sort you want, imbibing it, and
ingesting it. Then your behaviour exhibits some changes according to how much
and how often you drink (changing – and eventually controlling – you). So with
the Spirit, says Paul. But in one sense you don’t get more of the Spirit; he
gets more of you.
How am I filled with the Holy Spirit? First you
must desire him – hungering and thirsting for what is right (Matthew 5:6). This
involves confession of your sins (1 John 1:9). Then ask him to fill you: if you
ask for anything he wants, he’ll hear you (1 John 5:14,15). Thank him for
filling you, and by faith live moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day in
his power and under his direction.
He wants to change you, though your basic
temperament remains the same. Paul, for example, was a very aggressive person
before his conversion but the Spirit redirected all that emotional energy
towards more positive ends. Being ‘filled with the Spirit’ simply means being
controlled by him. Are you supposed to ‘feel’ anything when the Spirit comes
into your life? Yes and no. Some do, some don’t. Some have a ‘peak experience’
– for a few it’s quite powerful. For others it’s quite a matter-of-fact
transaction. The Spirit operates uniquely in each of us. Remember, he’s like
the wind – sometimes a hurricane, sometimes a gentle breeze. Indeed, Paul and
Luke describe receiving the Spirit in different ways. For Paul ‘receiving’ the
Spirit makes us God’s children (Romans 8:15). For Luke ‘receiving’ the Spirit
gives us power (Acts 1:8). However, Paul also writes about receiving the Spirit
with accompanying miracles (Galatians 3:1-5). Christians today generally follow
either Luke or Paul on this point – the Pentecostals like Luke, the Evangelicals
Paul. In the early church, ‘Spirit’ and ‘Word’ went hand in hand. Let us
combine both Luke and Paul: allowing the Spirit to make us holy, give us wisdom
and endue us with power. Throughout the world, where ‘signs and wonders’
accompany the proclamation of the good news the church is dynamic and alive.
However the great need for those young churches is Bible teaching – but without
losing their enthusiasm.
About miracles: some Christians expect a
‘miracle a day’; others confine them to the pages of their Bibles! Jesus did
promise that his followers would perform the same miracles he did – even greater
ones (John 14:12). His power still the same. But note that biblical miracles
clustered around just four historical periods – creation, Moses and the Exodus,
the prophets Elijah and Elisha, and Jesus and the apostolic era. There were a
few miracles at other times (eg. the story of Daniel). Does God still heal
miraculously? Certainly, and we should pray for that possibility. But today no
one has a gift of healing like Jesus’ or Paul’s. No one can heal anyone at any
time. Sometimes Paul healed everyone in a city. But no faith healer I’ve heard
of has a gift like that today. Some of them build hospitals: if they had Paul’s
gift they might be emptying them!
Christians sometimes get nervous about
spiritual gifts they don’t fully understand, especially if they sense the Holy
Spirit nudging them to be the channel of such a gift. It is important to
remember that the Spirit doesn’t offer white-elephant gifts. His presents are
not useless, like the thing you took home from the last Christmas party. We are
wise not to turn up our noses at his gifts, for he knows what he is doing. And
the Church is waiting to benefit from our gift-offerings…
Stay open-minded. Don’t fall for Cornford’s
Law, which says ‘Nothing should ever be done for the first time.’ Instead, opt
for the perspective of Charles Schulz, creator of Peanuts: ‘Life is like a
ten-speed bicycle. Most of us have gears we never use.’ If we could scan a
congregation with God’s radar, we would probably spot dozens of unused gifts –
spiritual capacities lying dormant in the lives of many Christians. Meanwhile,
the whole church is poorer.
Again, the Holy Spirit is simply God in action.
God acting in your life individually, and in the life of the church. (Some
years ago a preacher caused a fuss when he said in one of our Australian
Anglican Cathedrals: ‘If the Holy Spirit were removed from this place, 99% of
what we do here would go on unhindered!’).
This morning I want to major on something Paul
says about the Holy Spirit. In 2000, my wife Jan and I did a SKI (‘Spending the
Kids’ Inheritance!’) trip around Australia. We listened on CD to all the Psalms
as we drove down the beautiful Western Australian coast, and to all of Paul as
we drove across the Nullabor. Sometime, if you’re doing a long car-trip, listen
to all of Paul’s letters, and you’ll be amazed at his fervour, his passion, his
energy. This man was utterly ‘sold out’ to Christ.
TEXT: Paul’s secret? It’s here in COLOSSIANS
Christ – the Spirit – within, gives him
I have a shelf-full of books about the Holy
Spirit and his gifts. I have one titled ’27 Spiritual Gifts’. I don’t know one
where ‘energy’ is listed as a gift of the Spirit. That’s a pity.
In this paragraph Paul talks about the special
ministry given to him – to warn and teach, and reveal the truth about
God-in-Christ, encouraging people towards their full potential/maturity. He
labors at this ‘agonizingly’, as the Greek word literally puts it, striving
like an athlete: ‘I labour diligently, I strive as in a race, I wrestle for victory,
by the mighty energy of Christ working in me; and with great and effective
At this point it is good to ask ourselves: how
many prayers and tears, how much heartache and disappointment have people gone
through for me to come to Christ? Think of the Bible in your hand: the blood of
martyrs, the fears and tears of persecuted people throughout centuries, the
sweat and labor of translators, and the effort of teachers to make it plain and
clear all worked together to produce God’s word in the Scriptures. People have
died to make all this possible!
Paul ‘rejoices in his sufferings’ (an oxymoron
if ever there was one!). In 1 Corinthians 11 he goes into some detail: ‘Five
times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. Three times I was beaten
with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night
and a day in the open sea, I have been constantly on the move. I have been in
danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from my own countrymen,
in danger from Gentiles; in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in
danger at sea; and in danger from false brothers. I have labored and toiled and
have often gone without sleep; I have known hunger and thirst and have often
gone without food; I have been cold and naked. Besides everything else, I face
daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches.’
Talk about ‘negative energy’!
A couple of days ago I talked to a woman who
has been suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for years. She told me she can
only read for five minutes and is then exhausted. Yesterday I was on a
spiritual retreat, and another woman there couldn’t eat the onion soup – she’s
allergic to onions.
We moderns have invented all sorts of things to
make our life easier, and they’re having the opposite effect. There are
chemicals in our foods, our water, the fabrics of clothes we wear and seats we
sit on, pollutants in the air – toxic substances robbing us of energy. As they
say to world travelers: ‘In poor countries don’t drink the water; in rich countries
don’t breathe the air!’
Lack of energy in general, or a decrease in the
level of energy that you used to have, can be a sign that your body is not
functioning as efficiently as it could. The reasons for this are many. However,
simply stated, it is usually due to deficiency of proper nutrients – proteins,
vitamins, minerals, oxygen and enzymes; inefficiency of the digestive system,
congestion of organs such as the liver and kidneys, etc. When toxic wastes are
stored the cells become less efficient at producing energy. What energy is
produced must be directed toward survival as a first priority. Less energy is
available for muscle movement and activity. Fatigue is the means our body uses
to block mind and body from continuing to deplete its life reserves. It is our
body’s way of letting us know that we are disregarding its needs. The body may
be calling for rest, relaxation and exercise. If you are consuming a high-fat,
high refined carbohydrate diet, watch out! Excessive alcohol or caffeine,
drugs, tobacco, stress, and poor diet (not enough vegetables, vitamins and
minerals) are all energy robbers. So cut back on fats, refined sugars, refined
carbohydrates (white bread, flour products) and get plenty of servings of
fruits and vegetables.
And we must also deal with negative emotions
like worry, anxiety, fear, anger, hatred and guilt. Do that with a trusted
friend or counselor.
Now, back to Paul and the secret of his
‘energy’. Paul often talks about the Spirit’s ‘power’ within us, and uses
several Greek words – like ischus,
kratos, dunamis and exousia, to
describe how the Spirit works. But the Greek words energes or energeia refer
to the outworking of all these energy sources. For example, in Ephesians 3: 20:
‘Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or
think, according to the power (dunamis)
that energizes (energes) us.’ For
Paul, energy produces something; it is the effective ‘working out’ of God’s
gifts of power. The Holy Spirit energizes the prayers we offer (Romans
8:26-27), and our service for the Lord (Romans 8:11). But the Spirit is not
wild and untamed: the energy he releases in us and through us is controlled and
effective. It’s something like a dam: all that power is latent in the water behind
the dam wall; but it must be released to turn the turbines, which produce
electric power. Then wires conduct electricity. But if you put too many volts
of electricity through the wires, they will burn. They may not be designed to
carry that voltage. There will be a short circuit, or fire.
Physically, emotionally and spiritually,
individuals have varying energy levels. Some are ‘high energy’ people (Paul,
Augustine, Francis, Patrick, Luther, Wesley): you may not have these
energy-reserves, and that’s O.K.
But most of us know there are ‘blockages’ in
our lives robbing us of the energy we could have if we were freed of these
impediments. Is there hope for us? The good news of the gospel answers with a
resounding ‘Yes!’
When the Spirit’s power invades a fisherman
like Simon Peter or a shoe salesman like D L Moody, or a young American who’s
only done a couple of years in Bible colleges like Billy Graham they can be
very effective servants of Christ indeed. ‘Correct’ doctrine,
homiletically-sound sermons, professional techniques all have their place, but
throughout the world the churches that are open to the Lord’s power working
among them are alive. Churches that have shunned this dimension for a
rationalistic faith are declining everywhere.
Introducing his Letters to Young Churches J B Phillips states: ‘The great
difference between present-day Christianity and that in these letters, is that,
to us, it is primarily a performance; to them it was a real experience. We
reduce the Christian religion to a code… a rule of heart and life. To these it
was quite plainly the invasion of their lives by a new quality of life
Harvey Cox in his The Future of Faith summarizes it all well: the
church world-wide is in good shape when it jettisons at least three
concomitants of ‘Constantinianism’ – institutionalism, hierarchicalism, and
creedalism. These three destructive tendencies are not compatible with the
church as a missional community; they destroy faith (as distinct from
‘beliefs’). Cox reckons the Pentecostals in Latin America (those influenced by
the Hebrew prophets, Jesus, and liberation theology rather than Western notions
of ‘prosperity theology’) point the way to a dynamic ‘Age of the Spirit’. One
of the key secrets of these ecclesial communities’ social justice ministries?
They make lists – lists of people in their neighbourhood who need help. And –
importantly - they and the Catholic ‘base ecclesial communities’ are not
imprisoned within a fundamentalism of ‘Jesus as personal savior whose mission [is]
to rescue them from a sinful world…’ [2]
First, we can determine to follow Christ’s
example of loving service to others. Some are called to ‘greatness’ (that is,
they are called to do humble tasks, like working behind the scenes or washing
others’ feet!); others are on centre stage (dangerous for the spirituality of
most people). When ‘the world’ talks about leadership you hear words like:
Power, Influence, Leverage. Leaders, powerful people, ‘make things happen’, or
‘don’t put up with any nonsense’. Jesus talks of leaders with words like Compassion,
Humility, Gentleness, Generosity, Patience, Service.
Two stories:
=== During the American Revolution, a man in
civilian clothes rode past a group of soldiers repairing a small defensive barrier.
Their leader was shouting instructions at them but making no other attempt to
help them. Asked why by the rider, the leader said with great dignity, “Sir,
I’m a corporal!” The stranger apologized, dismounted, and proceeded to help the
exhausted soldiers. The job done, he turned to the corporal and said, “If you
need some more help, son, call me.” With that, the Commander-In-Chief, George
Washington, remounted his horse and rode on.
=== His name is John. He has wild hair, wears a
T-shirt with holes in it, jeans and no shoes. This was literally his wardrobe
for his entire four years of college. He is brilliant - esoteric and very, very
bright. He became a Christian while attending college. Across the street from
the campus is a well-dressed, very conservative church. They want to develop a
ministry to the students, but are not sure how to go about it. One day John
decides to go there. He walks in with no shoes, jeans, his T-shirt, and wild
hair. The service has already started and so John starts down the aisle looking
for a seat. The church is completely packed and he can’t find a seat. By now,
people are looking a bit uncomfortable, but no one says anything. John gets
closer and closer to the pulpit and when he realizes there are no seats, he
just squats down right on the carpet. (Although perfectly acceptable behavior
at a college fellowship, trust me, this had never happened in this church
before!) By now the people are really uptight, and the tension in the air is
thick. About this time, the pastor realizes that from way at the back of the
church, a deacon is slowly making his way toward John. Now the deacon is in his
eighties, has silver-gray hair, a three-piece suit, and a pocket watch. A godly
man, very elegant, very dignified, very courtly. He uses a cane and as he
starts walking toward this boy, everyone is saying to themselves, “You can’t
blame him for what he’s going to do. How can you expect a man of his age and of
his background to understand some college kid on the floor?”
It takes a long time for the man to reach the
boy. The church is utterly silent except for the clicking of the man’s cane.
All eyes are focused on him. The people are thinking, “The minister can’t even
preach the sermon until the deacon does what he has to do.” And now they see
this elderly man drop his cane on the floor. With great difficulty he lowers
himself and sits down next to John and sits with him so he won’t be alone.
Everyone chokes up with emotion. When the
minister gains control he says, “What I’m about to preach, you will never
remember. What you have just seen, you will never forget.” [3]
Perhaps, however, God has put an idea in your
mind or a ‘groan’ in your heart for some major missional activity. Let me quote
from arguably the best Methodist preacher in the English-speaking world in the
first half of the last century, W. E. Sangster: ‘All true progress in this
world is by the echo of the groan of God in the hearts of men and women. How
were the slaves freed in the British Empire? Did all England wake up one morning
and say: “This is wrong. We must free the slaves”? No! One man woke up one
morning with the groan of God in his soul, and William Wilberforce and his
friends laboured until that most splendid hour in our history, when Britain was
worthy of herself, and, under no pressure from anybody but the pressure of her
own conscience, paid a larger sum than her national debt to free the slaves.
‘How was all the social trouble after the
Industrial Revolution ameliorated? God groaned in the heart of Lord Shaftesbury,
and he toiled and toiled to serve and save the poor. How were the prisons
cleaned up in England? Did everybody suddenly say, “These prisons are places of
indescribable filth”? No! God groaned in the hearts of John Howard (! – my
exclamation point) and Elizabeth Fry. How were the orphans rescued from the
streets of London? A century ago (as recently as that!) God groaned in the
heart of Thomas Barnardo. Progress is by the echo of the groan of God in the
hearts of men a nd women. And you need never despair for our wayward race while
“the Spirit himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be
uttered”. [4]
Tom Rees, in his little book on the Holy Spirit
(The Spirit of Life, or Life More Abundant)
says ‘I don’t like big cities; I much prefer the countryside, and for this
reason I go to London only when it is absolutely necessary. However, every week
or so I set out for London in the car, complete with a list of the people I
must see and the articles that I must purchase. Not long ago I set out for one
of my journeys to Town. After parking the car I went into a shop to make
several purchases. “I want six of those, and a dozen of those; oh yes, and one
of those too.” While the assistant was packing my parcel I put my hand in my
pocket to pull out my wallet, and to my horror it wasn’t there. Covered with
confusion, I said: “I’m so sorry, I shall have to ask you to put those things
back – I’ve come to London without any money. I will call in again in a day or
so.” And then, covered with embarrassment, and feeling very small, I walked out
of the shop, and as I looked through my shopping list again I discovered that
without my money I could do nothing – I could purchase nothing. My journey had
been completely fruitless; so with a heavy heart, I climbed back into the car
and drove home.
‘I went straight to my room to collect the
wallet from the suit I had worn the previous day, and then panic seized me – it
wasn’t there, and I knew that it contained nearly twenty pounds. There was only
one thing for it – I must have been robbed. Then, in a sort of desperate way, I
ran my hands over the jacket I was wearing. Can you imagine how I felt when I
discovered my wallet in the jacket pocket – it had been there all day. I had
taken it with me to London. I had carried it with me into the shop! I had
brought it home again.
‘Now, why was my journey to London fruitless?
Why did I behave as if I were penniless? It was not because I had no money – I
had nearly twenty pounds. No, the reason was simply this – I didn’t know I had
‘Paul was indwelt by the Holy Spirit. And you
too, my Christian friend, believe it or not, are indwelt by the same Holy
Spirit. All the resources that Paul had you have. Did I hear you say: “Then, if
that is true, why is there such a difference between the life Paul lived and
the life I live? Why was he so like the Master, and why am I so un-Christlike?
Why was Paul so powerful where I am utterly weak and defeated?” The answer to
your question is this: Paul appreciated very fully his resources in the Holy
Spirit. The fact that his body was the dwelling place of the Spirit dominated
his life, and what is more, he learned by faith to draw on his resources.’ [5].
So here’s a special word from Paul to you who
lack energy: The Spirit of God who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you: he
who raised Christ from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also
through the Spirit who dwells in you! (Romans 8:11). Again: the same power –
which raised Jesus Christ from the dead – is available to you and me today to
help us with day-to-day living! ‘I am crucified with Christ, but I live; yet
not I but Christ lives in me; and the life I now live in this body I live by
the faith of the Son of God.’ (Galatians 2:20). ‘Blessed be the God and Father
of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in
heavenly places in Christ’ (Ephesians 1:3).
So where do we start? First, live one day at a
time, as Jesus suggested. ‘Today is unique! It has never occurred before and it
will never be repeated. At midnight it will end, quietly, suddenly, totally.
Forever. But the hours between now and then are opportunities with eternal
possibilities. Times may be hard and people may be demanding, but never forget
that life is special. Every single day is a special day. God is at work in
you!’ (Charles R. Swindoll)
Then remember, ‘The greatness of a person’s
power is in the measure of their surrender to the Holy Spirit.’ Hear this –
again from Paul (2 Corinthians 5:17): ‘If anyone is in Christ, there is a new
creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!’.
Psalm 27: ‘The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord
is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?’ (Psalm 27:1). And as
Paul said to the timid Timothy: ‘God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of
power, and of love, and of a sound mind’ (2 Timothy 1:7).
‘Every time we say, “I believe in the Holy
Spirit,” we mean that we believe that there is a living God able and willing to
enter human personality and change it.’ [6]
As we go now to our daily tasks and activities,
may we be assured that the Holy Spirit energizes our life with his presence and
his power according to our particular needs.
In Colossians 1:24 Paul insists that he
rejoices in his sufferings for the church. Does this suggest an unhealthy
masochism on Paul’s part? Does it matter that these sufferings are not just any
afflictions, but those which, like the Cross, are endured for the sake of
others? Under what circumstances can you rejoice in your sufferings? (As
someone complained to me this week: ‘If God wants human beings to hear and
build their lives on the Word of God, why doesn’t He make it easier?’).
Talk about health and stress. Humans of course
vary greatly in terms of their productivity under stress. As stress increases,
some are super effective; others are incapacitated. Do you ‘fall apart’ or ‘get
going?’ What can make the difference?
People receive the Holy Spirit, in Luke’s
meaning of the term, in different ways. Some people receive the Spirit more or
less spontaneously, while for others the response is quite conscious and
deliberate; some experience dramatic manifestations of the Spirit, while with
others the manifestations are more subdued. The way in which people receive the
Spirit will be determined, to some extent, by the situation and by the person
(his or her personality type, age, station in life, church environment). More
important than the particular way we receive the Spirit, however, is what we do
afterwards. It’s like the difference between a big church wedding and a small
family wedding. The kind of wedding you have doesn’t determine the kind of
marriage you’ll have. What’s important is how you live out the reality of
married life [7]. Do you agree?
Study Paul’s prayers for the Ephesians
(1:15-23, 3:14-21). Do we pray for one another like this? What might happen if
we did?
Paul says he suffered devastating attacks from
within the church. In Shakespeare’s Julius
Caesar, Caesar is killed by a group of assailants. A famous line is ‘et tu,
Brutus?’ Caesar was stunned that one he thought was a
friend would turn on him. Anyone who has served in the church for any length of
time understands this feeling. Some of the most painful blows come from the
ones we thought were our friends. It would be nice if everyone in the church
applied God’s commands to love, kindness and encouragement. It would be nice,
but it is not the way it is.’ It might be helpful to talk about that, and then
pray for one another…
[1] Time, May 13, 2002
[3] Rebecca
Manley Pippert's, Out of the Saltshaker.
[4] W E Sangster, Westminster Sermons, Volume one, p. 84
[5] H & S., 1961, pp. 127-128
[6] J. B. Phillips, Plain Christianity, 1954
[7] Larry Christenson, ‘Receiving the Holy
Spirit’ in LaVonne Neff et al (eds), Practical Christianity, Wheaton,
Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers, 1988, p. 164
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